Can anyone explain?

I’m going to start by stating, categorically, that I have no objection to the concept and reality of Foreign Aid. Wealthier countries should contribute to nations that are struggling – for one reason or another.

India has it’s fair share of problems – many, unfortunately, created by a succession of governments whose priorities are so out of kilter with common sense that it beggars belief. Never has this been more in evidence than today – and the announcement that India had become the first nation to achieve the (technically, very difficult) landing of a craft at the South Pole of the Moon. Bravo – indeed a triumph.

Such a space program would indicate a thriving, indeed growing economy. This is indeed the case.

UK foreign aid to India was always focussed on alleviating the ever present spectre of poverty. There have been improvements in this area, based more on industrialisation and dubious relations with Russia and China. Indeed India capitalised significantly when the rest of the world boycotted Russia’s oil – Taking full advantage of discounted prices offered as an incentive by the lunatic Putin.

I led with a question – In the light of the above observations, and if reports are to be believed, that UK aid to India is set to rise by approximately 70% how do we justify these payments? Indeed, India now gives more Foreign Aid than it receives – do we know that our money is not bouncing into another regime that we do not support?

Not enough now to say we are paying for the sins of our fathers – simply not valid now.

The UK Government on India Aid Payments:-

The above is a response to the highly critical Independent Commission for Aid Impact report published in March 2023.’s,without%20a%20strong%20development%20rationale.

Well over £2.3 Billion given to India between 2016-2021 and (soon to be) £57 million per annum from now on – What good are we doing? Could the money be better spent on the Taxpayers who generated it?

So I ask again – Can Anyone Explain?



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